Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Soaring to New Heights: Children's Room Grand (Re)Opening

As many of you know, the children's room at RFPL has undergone some dramatic changes. This past Sunday was a chance to show off the new makeover and celebrate our library at the Soaring to New Heights Children's Room Grand Reopening. In case you missed it, the pictures below will make you feel as though you were there!

Sign inviting people to our Grand Opening...check!


New, comfortable seating...check!

We're all set for the ribbon cutting by Joan Cusack Facilities Committe member and Treasurer of the RFPL Board of Trustees.

Her first impressions. I think she likes it!

Then the photo ops.

Then the fun begins! It's not a party without balloon animals and...

fresh popcorn with library friends and trustees!

Great hats are always welcomed as well.

In the RFPL children's room, you can do anything, even go fishing!

The kids have a great time with fun, games, and a balloon sculpter!
Overall, it was a great time at the library. Don't you feel like you were there?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Check out our new furniture

If you haven't been to the children's room in a while, then you'll be suprised by all the changes that have happened this summer: New desk, new carpet, amazing paint job, and we've also added some new furniture. Check out the pictures below.

Our new tables and chairs look lovely and are accessible to all of our patrons

The play area has added new seating that is colorful and comfortable. The kids will love this new addition!

And behind the desk is a beautiful seating area that's great for independent reading and reading with mom or dad.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to School!

The beginning of school is an exciting time for everyone, and we look forward once again to classes visiting the library, librarians visiting the classrooms, and the great partnership we enjoy with local schools. Some first day pics: