Friday, June 24, 2011

Animal Encounters This Thursday...


photo by Francisco Erize, Bruce Coleman Ltd.

Come to the River Forest Library this Thursday, June 30th at 4:00pm to learn about exotic animals from around the world. Animals for Awareness, a Chicago-area animal sanctuary, will present a talking parrot, kinkajou, python, alligator, and more on the Library lawn. This program is for all ages!

Interested in exotic birds and animals? Check out these books from the RFPL Children's Room:

Learn about the efforts of 14 humans to save the endangered kakapo parrots of New Zealand.

After the 2004 tsunami a special bond develops between an orphaned hippo named Owen and a 130-year-old tortoise named Mzee. They adopt each other and become inseparable!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

DVDs for Horse Fans

Secretariat is a wonderful family film that chronicles the true story of racing's most famous horse and his courageous owner, Penny. There are wonderful scenes of Secretariat, also known as Big Red, being groomed, ridden, and trained, but the big draw of the movie is the determination and vision of Penny, one of the first women to be so involved in the world of horse racing.

Also, check out two older films for horse lovers. Spirit is an animated movie about wild horses, native Americans, and the settling of the western United States. Another feature film that includes stirring, adventurous horse scenes and a great story is The Black Stallion. Remember that DVDs can be checked out for one week for $1 and River Forest card holders can check out two DVDs for free on Wednesdays.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cool Magazines!

You may not have heard of Muse magazine or New Moon Girls magazine but they are worth checking out!

Muse magazine covers science, history, and the arts for curious kids ages 9 and up. This magazine captivates readers with insightful articles on topics from robots to mythology to rooftop beekeeping. Kids who can't help wondering whether video games really kill their brain cells, or what a gentleman ladybug is called, will find answers in Muse. Our current issue of Muse features an interesting article about social-networking and the effect that Facebook has had on how people are connected to one another. Each issue also has a funny comic strip and a creative contest that kids can enter. Be sure to check out this entertaining and informative magazine.

New Moon Girls is a safe, educational, and advertising-free magazine for girls ages 8 to 12. Each issue is designed to help girls reach their full potential through self-discovery, creativity, and community. New Moon Girls magazine covers a lot of really useful and relevant information. A reader will find articles about the following topics:
-body image
-advice columns
-short stories
-real life inspirational women and girls
-crafts, music, books
and much, much more!

Check out these magazines and many others @ your library!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Fun Father's Day Read

Father’s Day is right around the corner! If you’re looking for a great read to share with dad on his special day, stop by the River Forest Public Library and check out My Dad, My Hero by Ethan Long. The dad in this story “cannot see through walls” or fly but he’s still a super dad because he spends lots of time with his son. Long illustrates the story in a comic book style that is sure to catch the eye of dads and kids alike. Happy reading and happy Father’s Day from the River Forest Public Library!

Friday, June 10, 2011

We had a blast!

The sign-up line for Summer Reading stretched out the door at our kickoff party last Friday. We had 325 children and 110 teens register that day. Even more have signed up this week--almost 200! River Forest residents will be reading like crazy this summer!
After signing up for Summer Reading, patrons lined up for snow cones in the park!

Our RFPL teen volunteers helped with face painting!

The bounce house, obstacle course, and lawn games provided lots of fun! More than 500 people attended our Summer Reading Kick-Off Party!You can still sign up through the month of June for Summer Reading--just stop by the Children's Room at the River Forest Library!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Reading Kick-Off Party

Join us for the Summer Reading Kick-Off Party on Friday, June 3rd, from 2-5pm. Drop by to moon walk in the bounce house or do the obstacle course, have a snow cone, and, of course, sign up for summer reading!

This year's summer reading theme is "One World, Many Stories" so there will be a variety of global events June 3rd-July 29th!

Click here for a full list of summer reading events and info on the River Forest Library site!